Our review criteria


We are not sellers of kitchen gadgets, so we do not have our own product lines to push. Our team has bought and used many products that were good and some not so good, we want to share our knowledge so you can make better choice before buying your cookware set. We do honest reviews and offer our best and unbiased reviews and research for you to choose your kitchen gadgets products and where you will get a best value for the price.

Our reviews and recommendations are based on our team’s own experience, various consumer reviews, kitchenware retailer and customer’s opinions and comments, review websites and also from many other people who have used the products themselves.

When we look at any cookware product, we try to review following features:

  • Ease for using the product such as is lid tight fitting, handles are easy to hold etc.
  • How to season and maintain some cookware
  • Ease of cleaning such dishwasher safe or hand washing required
  • What features are best and not so best
  • Which are our top picks and which ones to avoid wasting money on
  • Facts and general information about products and its terminology
  • Various types of material, brands and pieces
  • Oven or Broiler safe or not
  • How are rims, thickness and heavy they are
  • Expert and Consumer complains or praises
  • Where to buy and get a best deals online
  • Our top picks and reasons for it
  • Questions and answer sections for more details on each
  • Read our blog for cooking related content

We review many well known to little known brands to bring you a complete solution. Just to name a few, we have reviewed following brands, All Clad, Cuisinart, Le Creuset, Calphalon and many other top rated brands.

See our cookware reviews, compare cookware, best of best cookware reviews.

Disclaimer Note:

We have done our best to provide accurate and unbiased reviews. It is always best to check with retailer’s site to make sure, they have not changed products features or other information to make sure you are getting right product with what they have advertised.

We recommend only very reputable online merchants that we have used with no issues. If you have any issues in rare case, please deal with directly.


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