how to

The Ultimate Guide to Buying in Bulk

Over the last several years, Sarah and I have become reasonably skillful practitioners in the art of buying items in bulk, through trial and error.

Our goal, of course, is to save money. A well-executed bulk purchase of an item can save you a lot of money. A poorly-executed one, though, can cost you money, as Sarah and I have learned the hard way several times over the years.

Lately, I’ve been trying to write an “ultimate guide” to buying in bulk, but I’ve realized that everything I write essentially boils down to… Continue reading

Cast Iron Material


Cast Iron can withheld high heating that makes it not only great for stove top cooking but also oven baking too. Cast Iron cookware are slow to heat up but once it hot, it holds its heat for longer period and great for even cooking. Cast Iron pans are great for searing and outdoor cooking as it holds heat better even if outside temperature fluctuates. If you season your cast iron pan, it can work almost like non-stick pan without chemical coating. It is not easy to maintain cookware though, as it… Continue reading

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